Good Morning and Happy Sunday! I think I can truly say that last night was the worst night's sleep ever had over the last few months. But the sun's up so I'm up and still here. Guess the good thing is I get to try again tonight.
What was our crafty household up to last week? The studio is open again! I had things partially packed up as the room is also where Daddy sleeps when he comes over and I was anticipating a visit. Susan finished up another piece and got dressed with some gold tencel for some more. I'm going to release the Autumn collection that she has been working on at the Equinox, September 22 so come see what she has been up to.
I have a new idea for Max that saw some time at the warping board. Some tencel has been measured and will get some other treatments this week before getting strung up. I don't want to share too much but I hope it turns into a neat series of scarves.
Rapunzel is torn between working with some silk for basic twills or starting another artist series group of scarves. She does have an artist picked out and just needs to choose from some of the paintings for color inspiration.
As for knitting, the K.I.S.S. shawl is off the needles as of yesterday!

Sneak peek! It still needs blocked and photographed. It will be available August 22nd.
Amanda received her move-in information from college so I know that the next two weeks are going to be a flurry of activity with packing and making travel plans along with the already scheduled appointments. The local school district choosing to go online for the first quarter here is a blessing in a way as Serra shouldn't miss anything with traveling plus she prefers it.
As for me, what a roller coaster of a week! I have felt so many shades of emotion ranging from happy and peaceful to frustration and rage. It would be nice if this week could be a productive even keel with some better sleep thrown into the bargain. Need to pull back into the moment as well. Patience has been thin and I'm wanting too far into the future without taking care of today. I know the next two weeks are going to fly by and life is going to change again. I just have to keep working for and hoping for the future shifts as well.
Breathe, take care of you and I'll be back next week :)
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