Endings and beginnings

Good Morning and Happy Sunday! The sun is shining and the sky is a bright blue outside the patio door today. I hope it stays that way. With the wild swings in temperatures lately, you never quite know what is going to happen. Getting to writing a little slower than expected as I took the time to start a loaf of bread and extra time in bed to relax. 

What did we do this week? Serra, twenty credits and all, is amazing. She did outstanding on that pile of exams and quizzes and has all of her current homework finished through Wednesday of next week. It sounds like she has had a relaxing weekend of tea, poke, and Minecraft. I wonder if she spent the weekend wearing her sweater.

Amanda is wondering how some of her classmates were able to survive their undergraduate studies with their inability to listen to and read directions. She is going to let them find out what the homework really was on their own and I agree with it. No one is going to hold their hands in real life, why should she do it for them during this program? Hard to believe she will be finished with school in three months.

Time this week was spent finishing a project for work, spinning, teaching and setting up a project for me. I am loving the Haunui/Silk spin. The fiber feels luscious and it is going to be a wonderful laceweight size. The begin to knit 2.0 class finished this weekend with two of my students close to finishing their hats. I am working on class development for the summer as several people would like a fixing mistakes class and there has been interest in brioche, the knitting technique not the bread.

As for me, I am happy. Received some complements from coworkers the last couple of weeks that helped with work and I'm finding space to both relax and expand things I want to do. I have officially finished the move from my previous location with turning in the keys Friday night. Eighteen years of memories there that I thanked each room for as I left. The place did a good job of taking care of us and now it is time for a new space and start. I have tired and sore forearms from lifting and carrying the last round of cleanout. My shoulders, on the other hand, are much lighter with being able to move on. 

Next week! I'll find out how busy or quiet it will be for the girls as they are each one to two weeks away from their respective spring breaks. Physical therapy, a photo shoot, another work project to start, and class to teach on Saturday for me. Here's to a strong finish for February! Breathe, expand, release, Love, be where you find Home and I'll be back next week :) 

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