Good Morning and Happy Sunday! So far in my little corner of the Fort it is.....dark. Yes I am up before the sun today. A normal occurrence during the week, not so much on the weekends. Sleep and I have not been the greatest of bedfellows of late so it was just easier to get up.
What did we do this week? I let Serra have a extra day off this past Monday with it being a slow start to the new quarter. Thankfully for her the week was quiet and her biggest task was baking a chocolate prune cake that tastes far too good. Our excitement for the week was indulging in the theater and seeing Dune Thursday night. She was very excited to see and loved it. I agree completely with the director's desire to release it on the big screen. The film itself is hard to describe. The words grand and epic come to mind because the scope is similar to Lord of the Rings and Star Wars however the style in which it is done is extremely different. I don't know if the general populace will like it but it would be travesty if the second film does not get made.
Amanda is plugging along on campus and sounds good. She's learning other lessons that I myself am only beginning to learn now. Being on your own, content within yourself, alone but not lonely. Taking care of yourself vs. taking of others, knowing what is important to you, independence. It's good to see.
As for crafts this week I spent a chunk of time crocheting for work including teaching myself how to do it with my right hand! That was a trip!

I've always wanted to look at differences in left and right and was able to do so in content for PieceWork this past week.
The studio saw time with Susan getting dressed.

This colorway is inspired by the scene from Avengers: Endgame at Vormir. I also spent some time with Rumple.

This is a 50% cashmere, 50% silk blend that I purchased at Your Daily Fiber several years ago. I have four ounces done already on another bobbin. I think I will ply it to itself even though that will make less yardage.
As for me the big bright spot this week was work. I am still wrapping my head around my various tasks but things are going well and they are very glad that I am a part of things. Having this opportunity to use the knowledge I've collected over the years after not being in the work force for the past twenty is tremendous and I am extremely grateful.
Friday was filled with too much emotion and overthinking which is never a good combination. Follow that up with a disturbingly vivid dream early Saturday morning with some of your deepest fears front and center makes for a rocky weekend. To borrow a line from Dune, "Fear is the mind-killer" and it was intense. A low activity day along with some restful music and I am slowly getting back to my annoyingly cheerful self. Emotions are not meant to be ignored but sometimes the process of traveling through them is rough. "Only I will remain."
Next week! It's the last week of October and I am starting to feel the holiday crush with the show coming. Indoor displays need to be thought up and created along with new pieces so more time in the studio for me this week. Breathe, remember in the moments, take care of YOU and I'll be back next week ;)
Love your words . Beautiful work. Ty.
What a lovely blog. What lovely fiber and projects and things. Happy to have found this sweet spot in cyberspace!
Just dropping a line to let you know I’m out here picking up what you’re putting down and grateful for it.
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