Good Morning and Happy Sunday! We are either having a bit of a cool spell or the summer heat is winding down as nights are now comfy and cozy for sleeping. I still thinking Mother Nature is a little messed up as it feels like spring allergy season to my face. Before too long it will be snowing and chili in the crockpot time.
What have we been up to the past two weeks?! Serra enjoyed her last week of freedom as best she could with resetting her internal clock to wake up for school mornings. Only trouble now is her body doesn't know what Sunday is and she is already awake! School started this past week and for once she is excited for it saying, "this is MY year". While it is never easy to end a relationship it is amazing how much more she is without the energy vampire that was draining her.
Amanda completed her first Junior semester and is now moved over into her new room for the fall. Today is the start of her RA training and students start moving in on Wednesday. She is also a senior Calculus mentor for the Ipersist program this semester. She sounds a bit daunted by all of it at the moment, but I know she can handle it if she sets boundaries. Especially with a friend that has co-dependency issues.
Last week I was at The Art in the Park event in Loveland.

It is a two-day event that takes over North Lake Park every summer. I received several compliments on my items, gave weaving demonstrations on Flynn and did better than expected for the weekend. Selling scarves and cowls in the heat over the weekend was not an easy task! Thankfully many people were thinking ahead to the holidays and purchasing gifts.
I am still loving what I am doing with my job. Received a bit of direction on the future along with some additional responsibilities. I am so grateful for their patience with me as I learn new skills.
As for me, it has been a couple of long but good two weeks. Getting used to being by myself again during the day is always different. My girls manage the solo life so I should be able to as well. I need to be gentler and learn how to relax, something I have yet to accomplish. The week saw me beating myself up for not doing enough. Question is what is enough? I don't know. Maybe finding a rhythm where I am taking care of my duties at work and still being creative over the coming weeks will let me figure that out. I need to remember that I am enough exactly the way I am. Patience has been thin. I have to remember to stay in this moment because the more I push the less likely the future will arrive.
This week! School for Serra along with pep band at a football game. Training for Amanda and internship applications for the spring semester. Me? I have no idea. Probably a little bit of everything as I try to make it all fit. Breathe, let go, be, Love, take care of YOU and I'll be back next week :)
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