Happiness vs joy

Good Morning and Happy Sunday! There is a pastel blue sky out the patio door and people already traveling around the lake either headed somewhere or getting their steps in. Crazy to realize the time change was only last week! I am not accustomed to so much light in the evening. The time change has made for longer days and given me some pretty spectacular views in the morning.

What were we up to this week? The extra daylight made for a full one! Serra joyously welcomed her friends back to campus and was happy to get back into routine. She and her current roommate plan to live together again next year as they have a blast together. Yesterday they had a great time going roller skating. I am very glad that she has found her people there.

Amanda got to be lazy and stay up late online with friends this week as it was her spring break. I hope tomorrow is not a rude awakening back to routine. One of her classes will be finishing in a couple of weeks and the professor has said that after that time with her will be focused on finding the CMTI students positions in the industry. It is all going to happen for her.

The week has been so full it's hard to believe it was only seven days! Two lessons, a new lace class, spinning, kumihimo, warping the curl, carding some Border Leicester wool and blocking the hexies have kept me busy.

Instead of trying deal with a massive amount of pins and my three-foot-long blocking wires, I improvised. I picked up some 18-gauge floral wire in 12" pieces, cut those in half and ran them through dry hexies. A good soak and only six pins at the corners later, I have blocking pieces! It's a similar effect to stacking granny squares on a peg board. After a couple of days, the hexies were dry so pulled the pins and the wires slid out easily for the next group. Sometimes being polycraftual is handy! Two sets down, about fifteen to go then comes figuring out a color sequence to put them together in.

As for me, wow, life feels good. The girls are happy and doing amazing at college, Daddy's heart procedure went great, good news on the end bill for the previous place, work is staying on track, and I'm having a blast helping out and teaching at Loopy. I'm reading Inner Excellence, yes, I gave into the AJ Brown hype of the Eagles player reading on the sidelines in between plays. It talks about happiness vs joy. That happiness is fleeting because it is an emotion attached to a current circumstance. On the other hand, joy comes from within, of finding your truth and being open to the possibilities of all the things that can happen. I think life is falling more into the joy factor every day and I rather like it.

Next week! Back to the grind for Amanda, more fun and I'm sure some friend tutoring for Serra. I hope she keeps her boundaries strong. Me? More of everything, because why not? Breathe, expand, experience, Love, life is short, make it last and fill it with wonder, and I'll be back next week :) 

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