Hello 2021!

Good Morning and Happy Sunday! The sun is bright and shining in my little corner of the Fort even if I'm not yet. Sleep and I are still having a rocky relationship so I'm a bit late today. Nothing quite like being wide awake at four am, finally getting cozy and sleeping later than planned.
Last week! Limbo week as I like to call it. The time between Christmas and New Year's where not much of anything happens. Personally I enjoy the down time and in some ways it's the only time I let go. Ours was spent with BBC America showing the Doctor Who marathon, snacks and the Tapestry. Really wanted to finish the set of pages that I am on by the end of the year so it got much more attention than usual. Under normal conditions I only cross stitch on it on Sundays along with watching sports. This past week it received four whole days worth of attention and I almost made it. Hopefully today will see the page done and I'll get to start the next section.
Routine also begins to return next week with school starting for Serra. Still online but it does mean needing to get up in the mornings instead of sleeping till eleven. I can only handle so much down time and am looking forward to structure again. We also have a few more weeks with Amanda before she heads back to college for the spring semester.
Lots of big thoughts on New Year's Day this time around. If you stop and look at it Thursday was really no different from Friday however the changing of the year always gives a sense of renewal. The measuring of time is a human construct and it's going to pass regardless of how we mark it. Yet everyone feels new and reenergized on January first, it's almost magical. Can you imagine how it would feel if you treated every day as January first? That mindset of new, energized and magical is something that I'm going to work on doing this year. Waking up and not worrying about what is going to happen or how I'm going to make it but rather believing that I can handle what ever comes my way that day. I can do this, I can create the future I desire.
This week! Routine! Along with the cross stitch project to finish over the next two weeks, a knitting sample to start and something I've been pouring a lot of that hope and magical energy into the last couple of weeks. Keep smiling, take care of you and I'll be back next week ;)

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