Hello 2025!

Good Morning and Happy Sunday! The view through the picture window today has a touch of snow added to it. The white stuff decided to visit yesterday to remind us that it really is winter in the Fort. I imagine it will be gone soon. The same cannot be said of Vail at the moment.
What did we do this first week of 2025? Holiday traditions over the past couple of years have changed and instead of hosting Eve we have now been celebrating the season with a holiday dinner out. This year's was very relaxed and comfortable. With the girls both being away at college this fall, they still wanted some of the foods I used to prepare, so we did that for New Year's Eve. I'll admit I did not make it to midnight! 
New Year's Day is a day of clean-up and Chinese takeout. Since I did not decorate this year, the day was spent packing another load for the new place. I also set up my journals for the new year.
I found Hobonichi in 2017 and never looked back. I love the paper of their journals and how thin the full year books are. With turning fifty later this year, I chose to pick up their beefy five-year version.
As for the first few days of 2025, we have been resting and packing. The girls took on the monumental task of going through their room and belongings yesterday and we took a massive carload out for donation. I am so glad of their support and help on this move. We are tackling the big items later this week with a truck.
Even with all of the newness happening I have found time to craft. Serra's sweater is down to a sleeve and the neckline. I won't have it finished before she heads back so it will get shipped soon. Her birthday is at the end of January, so I hope it will be a welcomed treat. I also finished the blue portion of the Gallifrey fiber.
Once I get settled, plying these two together is at the top of the list.
As for me, 2025 is only four and touch days old, and it has been a wild ride. Going through physical items for this move has been interesting and cathartic, both physically and emotionally. I am letting go of a lot of baggage from the last twenty years, some of which I'm not sure I knew was there. This is a new start and feels like the one I made when I went to college all those years ago. I also received some news yesterday that I'm still trying to process. That news has also sent me into a mini mid-life crisis that I need to figure out. 2025 has not started quite as smoothly as I thought it would, but it will get there.
Next week! Finishing up this move and shifting for clear weather to get Serra back to campus safely. Breathe, relax, let go, Love, take care of YOU, and I'll be back next week :)

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