My turn for spring break!

Good Morning and Happy Sunday! Looks like the sun is going to shine upon us again today in NoCo. I'm not going to say the 'S' word that we somehow avoided receiving over spring break as we usually do. Sometimes just saying the word this time of puts Mother Nature in the mood to share some with us.

What did we do this week? The girls had a rough one. Dear Serra spent the majority of it in a DayQuil haze sick as a dog. I love that she is at a smaller college where she knows the professors personally. A couple of emails Monday, a bunch of catch-up work Wednesday and it sounds like she was back to her usual self yesterday. Amanda also had a time of it with unhelpful groupmates and not feeling well. Some rest, extra time with friends, and cookies this week helped smooth out the rough edges. I sent each of them a package and hopefully those will help as well.

As they each had a spring break, I did too! I decided to take a couple of days off this week to simply enjoy the new place and relax. It was seriously needed! Crafts, as always kept rolling on! There is another round of hexies pinned out to dry, kumihimo, spinning, and some Border Leicester carding happening now. A new knitting design has infected my brain, and we'll see what happens with it. The new class schedule has been given to Loopy for the summer and I have descriptions to write. I am adding a Fixing Mistakes class and a Two at a Time techniques class that have been requested. They will be on the website soon.

 It is also March Madness week! I went 22-10 in the first round of games and still have my Final Four teams. Who know how long that will last. I have a blast watching all of it and find myself cheering for the underdog regardless of what team I picked. One team I will always choose is my alma mater Colorado State. Fingers crossed they can take down Maryland tonight to make the Sweet Sixteen.

As for me, it has been a great week. Time off to relax and play, work is busy and feeling good, lessons and classes are staying active and have been fun. Yesterday I realized that a lot of life is your perspective on it. This week I heard stories from each end of the spectrum of how other people are doing and it made me grateful to be exactly where I am. I am very appreciative of life right now and was reminded this week that I'm doing pretty good at it on my own. Something I didn't think was possible eight years ago.

Next week! Getting back on track and feeling better for the girls so they can finish up the semester strong. Me? A couple of appointments, the usual things for work, more March basketball, and don't forget Opening Day! Breathe, glow, appreciate, Love, find your Joy, and I'll be back next week :) 

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