New adventures

Good Morning and Happy Sunday! Yes, I know, I am early today. I woke up at the time I usually get up during the week and couldn't go back to sleep. Might as well get out of bed and use the hours. The sun is just coming up to join me.
What did we do this week? Amanda has enjoyed a week of rest before jumping into classes next week. Lots of sleep, hanging out with friends, and going to movies have kept her occupied. Her traditional grad classes start tomorrow.
Serra and I did a thing this week. We got her moved into college!
The staff was amazed at her packing job when we pulled up and unloaded. They were even more shocked when they learned we were from Colorado! She is the only student from the Centennial State in this year's class of 155 students. We spent Thursday getting her moved in and attending various welcome events. At one of the presentations, the academic director said the traits they saw in this year's class were Passion, Self-Awareness, Resilience, and Inspiration. All schools are full of traditions. At Cedar Crest, they welcome students with the Open Door Ceremony where each student comes through the doors of Blaney Hall and introduces themselves and where they are from. They also, as a class, recite an honor pledge. I think this class surprised the administration as the class as a whole took over and recited it without following the faculty member. At this point, they kick the parents and loved ones off campus. So far, she has spent a whirlwind of two days of activity and even said she was hanging out with friends last night. Today will be a bit quieter as events are winding down in preparation for classes beginning tomorrow. 
Since they got rid of the parents pretty quickly, I hopped an early flight back home. Crazy thing? It was only my second ever solo flight.
It's our tradition to greet Blucifer on our comings and goings for safe travel.
So what did I do with my first two days on my own? Friday was spent resting and getting some much needed sleep! I had a rather early bedtime and clocked a solid ten hours. Saturday, I got feisty. Errands, grocery shopping, cleaning and rearranging the downstairs. I still don't have a proper office for work; however, I am hoping that having a dedicated space will help me separate time better. Today will be spent as most Sundays are. Writing, breakfast and the Tapestry. 
As for me, so far so good. Last week was a lot of expected emotion. There are still instances where this change hits me and I don't expect it. I imagine that will fade. It sounds bad to say I'm enjoying the quiet. Thing is, the three of us are all doing the things we are supposed to be doing right now in this very moment. I couldn't believe how well Serra fit at that college and I am so glad she does. In all my years, I personally have never been solo like this. So far, I like the solitude. In years past I had all of the things you would see on the outside in a full life but was very lonely on the inside. Now, that is reversed. Being alone is not lonely and I am very full.
This week! Undergrad and Grad classes begin! Fingers crossed the girls each remember to send me first day of school photos. Work calls me back with files that need to go to the proofreader and a two-day shoot. I also should be free of the walking boot this week! That means tennis shoes shopping for the Labor Day weekend. Breathe, stretch, expand, flow, Love, welcome the new chapter and I'll be back next week :)

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