Good Morning! The sun is shining bright in my little corner of the Fort today. I don't think it's quite as warm as it looks but seeing the sun helps in all sorts of ways.
So far the girls and I are doing fairly well with the current state of affairs. Schoolwork started again and both of them are keeping up on things. I'm either a very relaxed mom or have taught them enough over the years to take care of their own work. They know better than I do what their teachers expect of them, I'm just here to answer questions and keep them on track. Besides Amanda lost me with her math level about two months into her junior year!
As for craft things I finished the Handwoven project and was able to get it shipped just in time. Next it's on to finishing Max's current project and starting Knitcrate's August pattern. The trust pattern has three rows remaining and a marathon picot bind off to come. This next week I'm going to get organized and figure out how to get some gym activity back in. One of my apocalypse life skills it seems is making homemade ice cream and while it is yummy it's also waist building with no gym time.
I joined the spring quarantine spinalong put on by Schacht Spindle and Greenwood Fiberworks.

The fiber is called Colorful Colorado and is 50% Merino, 25% silk and 25% bamboo. I finally figured out how I want to run the colors in it yesterday and will get started tomorrow.
I hope that each of you are doing what you can to maintain your own level of peace through the world right now. Take a deep breath and do what you need for you right now even if it doesn't feel productive. Read a book, try something new, zone out a little more. Right now is a time of learning peace and patience. Have a great week even if it's not that adventurous ;)
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