Good Morning and Happy Sunday! I think we might finally have proper Spring happening outside my window today. Soft, cool and possible rain in the afternoon. Pretty perfect weather if you ask me.
What did we do this past week? Serra finished up jazz band with the group making a recording to send out to a festival for a possible trip next year. I adore the new directors at Fossil that even with all of the challenges this year have made the kids feel appreciated and loved. It's going to a be a new program moving forward. I know that if not for their relaxed, happy style Serra would not be continuing in band. Only five more class days over the next two weeks.
The East Coast kid is back! Amanda flew in Thursday after what was certainly a unique freshman year. Three quarantines, two different living spaces, a rough roommate and a cyberattack on the university that canceled Spring finals make for a memorable start. I am so glad that she loves it there.
As for crafts I was bit slow this week. Rapunzel did get a new project of 60/2 silk that I am very happy to say did not tangle!

Mixing colors at the warping board takes a lot of time but makes dressing the loom so much easier. One more small piece of equipment and I think I'll have the technique refined. Tamas have been very helpful in warping by myself as well. This colorway is Lilacs and all five yards wound on without any problems.
Another project that I'm working on is some spinning.

I just started ounce three of a six ounce braid that I got from The 100th Sheep. It's the Pyrope Garnet colorway and I'm using my Captain K's spindles. I have to decide if I am going to ply the colors with some 120/2 silk and have a lot of yarn or to do a 3-ply that I think would look similar to the braid. Thankfully I still have a few ounces to go before I have to decide!
As for me this week turned in to a big self care one with getting a day for myself, relaxing with Amanda for one and giving Serra another. In a past lifetime I would only see the lost time and get after myself for not doing more. Now, the time shared is far more important than over extending myself. As I was told yesterday, I am allowed to relax.
Next week!! Some weaving, some cleaning and more living. Feeling rather grateful for where I am right now and that I can be here. Breathe, enjoy the spring rains, take care of you, and I'll be back next week ;)
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