Good Morning and Happy Sunday! Or really what I should be saying is: We're back! It seems that June appears to be our time of travel. Last year we made our college visits out to Chicago and New York. This time around it wasn't quite as exotic but was still a good trip.
A bit of history. In 2013, Daddy had a heart attack and spent a week in ICU recovering and having a pacemaker installed. The batteries in pacemakers at that time would last approximately 7-10 years. Well at Daddy's last checkup the readings said that his was getting low and it needed to be changed. The girls and I loaded up and headed over the hill to visit and help him out during the recovery. Thankfully changing out a pacemaker is a simple outpatient procedure and it only took five hours from the time we arrived to the time we left. Daddy was feeling back to himself after just two days so we spent the rest of the week doing some sightseeing.
Even after 40+ years of driving truck Daddy still enjoys it and thought it would be fun to show the girls the Western Slope. Our first day out we went to the Black Canyon.
I spent part of growing up on the northern rim that you get to by going through Crawford. What I didn't know is that there is also a southern rim that you go through Montrose to see.
That's the Gunnison river that flows at the base of the canyon.
Something else fun..

I found a geocache! Geocaching is a where people hide containers of things around different outdoor locations with clues online to find them. I have a tendency to stumble upon them randomly as this was my second find. When you find one there are instructions inside and you trade an object. I signed the book, left the purple carabiner and took a small coin that now lives on my key chain. I'm going to have to put more trade bobbles on my key chain to trade if I keep this up!
The next day we went to the Colorado National Monument.
Even though I grew up with this place just outside my door I believe this was only the second time that I have gone from one end to the other.
There was a great breeze at the top and it was no where near as hot as the last fun trip we made to the valley. Daddy got us hooked on Yellowstone and we had fun going through old pictures too. We came back on Monday and I wish that I could have taken pictures on the drive because it was greener than I've seen before.
What's on tap for this week? I'm working on a new knitting pattern, tatting up a dolly to show how the gradient threads look and coming up with new ideas for the looms to tackle. Susan is still working on the autumn collection and Flynn will soon terrify most crafters I know.
As for me, I've spent this past week trying to calm down. There's no reason for me to feel the crunch of time, of needing to be farther along this path than I am right now but that's how this week has felt. Hopefully I have shed the terrible sense of urgency and can get back to a steady stream of creativity and other bits that will make for a life someday.
Keep moving, laughing and creating and I'll see you next week ;)
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