Good Morning and Happy Sunday! The songbirds were not awake at 5 am but I was. Cool air has winter still trying to stick around even with the 70 degree temperatures we had yesterday. It would be nice to have a bit of spring instead of jumping straight to the heat of summer. Granted any type of time outside regardless of the temperature sees me get some kind of sunburn!
What were we up to this week? Serra had a couple of rough days but recovered enough in time to play at her first Jazz concert.
Have to say that it was one of the best concerts I've been to for both the music and the relaxed nature of it. She's been playing with various hair colors over the past nine months and decided to go back to something a little more natural yesterday becoming brunette. I think she was more excited that I let her put some color in mine. It's very subtle as we did not bleach first and it is only at the ends. Red is my favorite color and I've been told on many occasions that it is only hair. Might as well have fun in this singular life right?
Amanda spent time learning about human nature this week. Oh the joys of being reviled for simply existing and being friends with a person that another is in a relationship with. Discussion of how mindset works and living versus existing are always good as well. Little bit longer call as we had to catch up on sports. A classmate that plays on the Basketball team was thrilled that she can speak that language. She is preparing for two exams this week and accepted the RA position on campus for the fall. Guaranteed housing makes life much easier.
Crafts this week saw a bit of tatting and more spinning. I was able to finish some Merino/Silk and get the skein plied. Currently I am fixing a skein that I plied in the wrong direction. Believe me if you are fighting to get the skein to go check that your wheel is traveling in the correct direction! Makes it much easier. I didn't realize how much I tend to spin during March Madness. Maybe it is because I can follow along with the games and stop easily if the action gets intense. I might plan better next year and treat it like other spinners do the Tour de France.
Work saw time at a photo shoot and more learning. Trying to improve a process, learn about image sizing, and the rules of English along with staying on top of other things within my allotted hours. I am starting to dream about it so I don't know if that is good or bad.
As for me it was a stable week, no extremes to be found. I did learn that there are instances in life where the brain and heart simply should not talk to each other. One of the few online things I follow is The Awkward Yeti. Heart and Brain in his strip like to go their own ways but generally get along. Mine not so much. There are instances in my life where Brain has to lead, to plan, to pace myself and go about things logically. When he tries to poke into the areas Heart has control of things get messy. There are some things that you can only feel your way through and they do not get along with my analyzing nature. So I let them each play in their own little rooms. They wave at each other through the window when something makes both of them feel good but it is best that they each be on their own for some parts of my life.
This week! Can you believe it is the end of March already?! Where did the last three months go? I would like to think that the time has been spent well considering it is the only true commodity we have. I see more spinning, more tatting, some knitting, hopefully some weaving and some finishing in my future so that I can start up even more. Breathe, be here, Love, Dream, take care of YOU and I'll be back next week ;)
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