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Even experienced artists make mistakes

Good Morning and Happy Sunday! Things are a little grey here in my corner of the Fort but that's nothing compared to the wacky weather day we had last Monday! A very weird snow storm came through lasting about 30 minutes and plastered the western side of everything. The movement of the storm seen in the sky afterward pretty much sums up the Colorado phrase of "If you don't like the weather, wait five minutes." I took these photos right after each other standing in the same spot. The left is facing east, the right facing west. Since then it's been quiet but the last few years March and April have been the wettest months. On to craft! Last night...

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What do you mean no sports today?

Good Morning and Happy Sunday! Going to be a bit of a strange one around here sports! Football season is over and Baseball is yet to begin. Nascar fires up with Daytona next weekend and there might be some college hoops that can keep me company with the Tapestry today. So how was this last week for everyone? Girls are mostly over being sick which feels good and I'm glad of. Hopefully sleep will once again become my friend instead of listening for them most of the night. The PieceWork project is finished and shipped off last week. You have to wait until the fall to see it but it was fun. I also accepted a project with SpinOff...

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So long January!

Good Morning and Happy Sunday! It's Groundhog's Day, Imbolc, Super Bowl Sunday and Palindrome Day all rolled into one, a lot for one Sunday to handle. Things here this past week have been a bit of a roller coaster. Celebrating Serra's birthday was great along with the news that she and her teammates took first in all three of their events for Science Olympiad at the competition last weekend were some of the highs. The lows? Both girls have been pretty sick this week with a cough currently torturing Amanda. Hopefully another couple days of rest with get her back on her feet. I know it's not severe because she's more upset about being sick than feeling sick, yes she...

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A finish, the process and being present

Good Morning and Happy Sunday! Three day weekend for the girls here and they are currently taking advantage of getting to sleep in. I probably should have gotten up early the last two days to get some more things done but enjoyed the extra rest.  What did we do this last week? The ornament for Just CrossStitch magazine is finished and gets shipped Tuesday. I really wish that I could share it! I believe the issue will be released in October and I will certainly post about it then. Got started on the third scarf of the Monet series. Here are the colors on the warp board. After measuring I wind half of each color on my "fancy" bobbins and...

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Holiday, traditions and the upcoming market

Good Morning and Happy Sunday! It's quiet in my little corner of the Fort this morning. Maybe that's a reason I like early mornings and late nights, the quiet. Not to say that I don't enjoy the busy side of life too especially at this time of year. I'm that weird person that enjoys going out and finding gifts and talking with cashiers and complete strangers in an effort to bright their day. I hope that what ever form your holiday preparations take that they are going well. I spent part of yesterday creating my "cooking a ton of food for Eve so I don't have to cook for three days after" menu and shopping list. Normally I am not...

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