What a whirlwind!

Good Morning and Happy Sunday! Somehow this morning, August is not roasting me yet. The cool breeze kept me in bed longer than usual and I am enjoying it coming through the front windows. I rather like the taste of fall and hope it continues this week.

What did we do this week? It was a whirlwind. High school check in, packing, shipping, passport renewal, laundry, packing some more, and a trip to the airport. Amanda flew back to campus yesterday to move in and begin RA training tomorrow. Classes for Serra begin this week and we have our fingers crossed that switching out of AP Bio and into AP Chem will be an easy swap. Makes me glad that as profitable as Art in the Park has been in the past, that I did not add it to the agenda this year!

Work saw an unexpected change that will be interesting to handle over the coming weeks. We will see what happens. I hope that I will still be going to and working on photo shoots as I handle all of the projects and was learning a great deal at them. This week is review of the winter files before they go to the proofreader, work on the spring files and some knitting for another venture that is starting on Tuesday. 

Crafts were more of the same when I had time. I finished a crochet project for work, knitted a few more hexies, did a bit of pin loom weaving, and finished another rolag on the breakfast spin.

Here's the next color. I still have to ply the previous color to itself before getting this one started. These little rolags make me think of cinnamon rolls and are happy little bundles of fiber. 

As for me, the week was extreme in the emotions department. Joy, happiness, pride, worry, fear, shock, concern for a friend, and of course Amanda heading back to school. My body's response to all of it was a massive amount of tears that a dear friend of mine calls "soul washing". It doesn't happen often, so I suppose it was time for a release. That kind of emotional response is probably one of the most taxing things in the world and left me totally drained last night so extra sleep felt good. Serra and I plan to settle into routine this week to work on making this a great year.

This week! Time with Serra before classes start Thursday, setting the house in order after the whirlwind of packing, and creating a routine that will let me take care of current responsibilities along with improving myself in the hopes of greater things. Breathe, rest, hope, smile, Love, take care of YOU and I'll be back next week :)

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