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Pesky lost hour and a proud week

Good Morning and Happy Sunday! Very quiet here this morning as the girls are sleeping in after a couple of full days plus I'm sure no one wants to think about the time change. The Spring one is the worst because now I feel even more behind today simply because the clock says that I am. What did we do this last week? Amanda and Fossil Ridge took part in the concert band festival for the Colorado Bandmasters Association. All three of Fossil's bands scored Superior rankings and they will find out in the next few weeks if they qualified for the State round held in April. Serra had a big day Saturday with the Science Olympiad regionals. If you...

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Even experienced artists make mistakes

Good Morning and Happy Sunday! Things are a little grey here in my corner of the Fort but that's nothing compared to the wacky weather day we had last Monday! A very weird snow storm came through lasting about 30 minutes and plastered the western side of everything. The movement of the storm seen in the sky afterward pretty much sums up the Colorado phrase of "If you don't like the weather, wait five minutes." I took these photos right after each other standing in the same spot. The left is facing east, the right facing west. Since then it's been quiet but the last few years March and April have been the wettest months. On to craft! Last night...

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Eating the elephant

Good Morning and Happy Sunday! This morning I am thankful for sleep. This last week was finally a restful one with sleep coming deep and naturally instead of being a fight as it is most nights. This morning things are looking a little gloomy in my corner of the Fort so far today but ever since seeing Monet's Winter collection I've been looking for different colors in it. Thursday's odd winter spell here made it feel like I was actually driving through one of his paintings and it was beautiful. So what trouble did I cause last week? Amanda finally got the band patches that she was waiting for so a good chunk of evening time was spent completing her...

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Just Right

Good Morning and Happy Sunday! Quiet, slow start here today with the girls enjoying the three day weekend and sleeping in. I'm sure that will change once I start breakfast and the race at Daytona this afternoon. What was I up to last week? Well I finally got some photos of the pocket squares taken! They are now available here. I still need to get better at styling and taking photos. The finishing pile is getting pretty high and starting to poke at me also. There's mug rugs that need knotted and a couple of new scarves waiting to have their fringe twisted. My big excitement last week was a table! Now I know you're thinking "Why would she be...

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What do you mean no sports today?

Good Morning and Happy Sunday! Going to be a bit of a strange one around here sports! Football season is over and Baseball is yet to begin. Nascar fires up with Daytona next weekend and there might be some college hoops that can keep me company with the Tapestry today. So how was this last week for everyone? Girls are mostly over being sick which feels good and I'm glad of. Hopefully sleep will once again become my friend instead of listening for them most of the night. The PieceWork project is finished and shipped off last week. You have to wait until the fall to see it but it was fun. I also accepted a project with SpinOff...

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