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Cersei update

As many of my friends know I am a huge fan of George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series.  I've decided to take that infatuation one step farther and write some knitting patterns inspired by the characters in the books.  So far on Ravelry I have published Arya.  I have many more characters talking to me about their pieces, but for the last few months, Cersei Lannister has held the spotlight.  Her pattern is a shaped like a Danish tie shawl and is lace and cables combined together, not a a knit for the faint of heart.  Laura at  The Unique Sheep did an awesome job with my custom color request and Hear Me Roar was born.  I have been knitting...

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Well here goes!!

Well people, this is my first step into the blogisphere...I don't read blogs so I am very much winging it right now.  So, here I am and hopefully this will be fun for all of us Thanks Katrina  

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