Good Morning and Happy Sunday! Time change today which always feels weird even with this one being the favorite for everyone with gaining the extra hour. I still feel that I don't have enough time. We had our first taste of winter with a teeny tiny storm that the grass held onto for a day. It still did its damage in Denver with a HUGE black ice pileup. I guess it is a good thing the Broncos are on the bye as the stadium parking lot is currently being used as an impound yard! What did we do this week? Jazz band for Serra has jumped into full swing with two early morning practices after the conclusion of the marching...
Good Morning and Happy Sunday! Fall finally seems to be in full swing in my little corner of the Fort. The trees have lost most of their leaves and frost has been on the cars in the morning. The windows have been closed and the heat kicked on for a couple of nights. Considering it is almost November it is time! What have we been up to this week? Serra had an easy week at school which is the norm. I was hoping that this year would be more of a challenge for her but so far it is not. Thankfully she is learning things about herself that will come in handy later on. We have been doing more driving...
Good Morning and Happy Sunday! Well, the temperatures are not quite agreeing that it is fall yet with our fifty degree swings every day, but the trees are. It has only taken a few short weeks for the foliage outside my window to change from lush green to gold to almost bare. One thing I do love about my schedule this time of year are the beautiful colors at sunrise. What have we been up to this week? It was the start of the second quarter for Serra. She had a musical week as Jazz band rehearsals began, and the concert bands had a guest clinician for three days. First time ever she has been told to "play louder" and "fill...
Good Morning and Happy Sunday! The colors keep changing and the temperatures keep dropping as we move into fall. We actually had a freeze warning last night and several of my gardener friends were saving the last of their harvest. Last weekend was the full moon, and it was quite the sight on Monday morning. What did we do this past week? Serra had a short week of classes as it is the end of the first quarter! It doesn't mean it wasn't busy though. Driving practice Monday, band concert Tuesday, and PSAT test early Wednesday makes for a full week. She did not have finals on Thursday and so I let her have an extra day. Saturday, we had...
Good Morning and Happy Sunday! Up a bit earlier than usual today. I probably could have gone back to sleep but then would have woken in a rush to talk here. Instead, I took my time getting up enjoying the cooler breeze through the mostly closed window. Fall is finally here, not only in the temperature but the leaves slowly changing their colors in the tree outside my window. What did we do this week? Serra started off a little rocky with a stomach bug last weekend that lingered into Monday. It is good that high school is so easy for her that she can take a day and not get behind but bad because she is so ready to...