Good Morning! When I woke up today I didn't really have anything to talk about but then hopping onto social media got the juices flowing. I've seen a lot of negative thoughts about making a living off of handicrafts and how and when to invest money into a business. I ran into some of the investing thoughts last week when I looked at the workshop listings for Interweave Yarn Fest. Something that I've always wanted to try is tablet weaving and just so happens that John Mullarkey the master is going to be here. Instead of instantly adding the class to my cart and squeeing with joy I debated with myself over the investment. How often will I use the...
Good morning Internetland! I can't promise that I will be here every week but I'm going to make the effort to try. Sundays are the one quiet day that we have around here and sitting down with you first thing in the morning feels right and gives me a bit of a plan for the week. Newest scarf in the works: Finally got Rapunzel tied on and started. I love complex patterns and this one has a fun rhythm to it when weaving. The next bit for 2019 has to do with hand dyed yarn. In the past I've simply followed where inspiration took me when it came creating colorways. Star Trek colors after Leonard Nimoy's passing and the last...
Good Morning!! Long time since I've said anything to all of you out in Internetland. 2018 has flown by but I wanted to share some of the highlights: Check out the new website! I teamed up with Nerdymind to build the site and get the shopping features up and running. Mary and her team were great at communicating with me and keeping me to a deadline to finish it. 2018 saw 6 new pattern releases with Piecework, Yarn Crush and I Like Knitting. My Autumn Crown Watercolor Shawl was one of fifty patterns voted Best of 2018 with the magazine! The yarn is Eos from The Unique Sheep in their Coral and Cream gradient. On the personal...
Hooray and hello again! I finally finished up my next knit for PieceWork last night. Good thing considering it is due at the office on Monday. I must admit that I love living right down the road from them so that I can squeeze every drop of time possible out of the deadline. It has been an intense couple of weeks of knitting to be sure to get it done. Now all I have to do is finish up the written portion which for me is the hardest part of the process. Yes, that's me, pile of knitting in my lap and the original Star Trek keeping me company. I grew up on them and it gives me something familiar to...
Back on December 17th after the catch/no catch game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and New England Patriots I had thought that today I would be hosting a Patriots fan for the rematch game. Well the Jacksonville Jaguars changed that last week and I don't quite know who to cheer for in the AFC championship game today. One thing I love beyond craft is sports. The Pats fan and I have been duking it out for AFC supremacy for the last 12 years and as a Red Sox fan I'm very glad he follows the Mets and not the Yankees!! As for current projects I am knitting away on my next PieceWork project that is due to Interweave in a few...