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The Mundane and the Magical

Good Morning and Happy Sunday! The laundry is spinning and clean dishes have been put away. Sunday is one of those limbo type days that sits outside of standard time for me because of how we spend it. Sundays are both ends of the circle here, finishing out tasks from the week before and preparing for the week ahead. Things have felt very cyclical lately and in some ways that's good. Routine gives balance and security that establishes an expected foundation. You always know what's coming. However I will admit that sometimes it's also horribly boring, especially when I don't see the baby step progress that I'm hopefully making. This last week was not one of those! This last week...

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Acknowledging the process

Good morning and happy Sunday to all of you out there! Things here are off to a slow start after sleeping in. Sometimes I wish that I would keep the same schedule on the weekends as I do during the week but truly being up at 4 am every day would get tiresome. Thing about sleeping in on the weekends, as much as I enjoy it I always feel like I'm wasting a valuable resource: Time. Time is one of those things that can never be replaced and that I never feel I have enough of. I know that I need to right here right now doing exactly the things that I am but also I beat myself up for...

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Staying Grounded

Happy Sunday everyone! Looking outside today you never would believe that our little corner of the world was a part of the weather Bomb Cyclone that hit Colorado last week. Surprisingly the school district called a snow day while the weather outside was 58* but I was very glad they did. While I wanted more than the four inches that we got I have to admit that I've never seen the wind that we had with it before. The whole event was very reminiscent of the storm we had in March (again) of 2003. We had close to three feet of snow fall in about 18 hours and after two days it was all gone.  So what did I do...

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Back to basics

Good Morning Everyone! Little bit groggy with the day yesterday and good old daylight savings time happening. What happened yesterday? Glad you asked ;) We spent the day at the Northern Colorado Science Olympiad Regional where Serra was a competitor. The easiest way to explain Science O is as a track and field meet for Science. There are building events, practical events and study events. Each one has its own rules and time block and the event runs all day. Amanda and I found a quiet alcove to set up our home base complete with comfy chairs, projects and snacks where we were out of the way and could people watch.   After all of the scores were tallied in...

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A cold, snowy morning in Colorado....It must be March

Good morning Internetland! The girls and I tucked in tight yesterday as the glitter snow started sometime after midnight early Saturday morning. Yes there are different ways to classify snow in Colorado. Glitter snow is super fine, sparkles and takes a long time to build up. Even though it lasted all day and into the night last night we only have about six inches in our corner of the Fort.  What a roller coaster of a week it was! I attended some of the events of the Fort Collins Start Up Week. The big one being the Arts and Crafts Swap at the Carnegie Center for Creativity hosted by Arts & Found. It was great to clear out some of...

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