Good Morning and Happy Sunday! The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and the leaves are coming in on the tree outside my window. I think, that along with the month of May, spring has arrived in Colorado. However, the Mets do come to town in a couple of weeks and our state has a tendency to greet the team with snow. What did we do this week? It was a full one. Serra had her usual extra rehearsals, a make-up exam in math, and took her AP Psychology exam. Last night was also Prom! She and her four friends got dressed up and attended along with having a sleepover. I guess we will see how much fun she...
Good Morning and Happy Sunday! Dare I say it might officially be spring here in Northern Colorado? It has been a glorious weather week with a bit of rain, sunshine, and cooler evening temperatures that are perfect for sleeping. The sun is also at the proper angle to interact with my prisms bathing the room in rainbows. I don't know why but I have always loved that. What did we do this week? Serra did some shopping in preparation for Prom activities as her group of friends have decided to attend. Thankfully she is practical, knowing that she will probably only wear said dress once, she spent only thirty dollars to create her look. Only four weeks of school remain....
Good Morning and Happy Sunday! With the sun shining brightly in the pale blue sky today you couldn't tell that Mother Nature loves her pranks. Yes, we had snow again Friday night. Not enough to be crazy or to cause damage to the budding trees but enough to make my daughters groan. I found in amusing and beautiful. As I told Daddy many years ago when we were caught with an unexpected snowstorm in September, "I can control many things, but there is nothing I can do about the weather." What did we do this week? Serra successfully played in two band festivals. The State concert band festival for her band was on Tuesday and they received a Superior with...
Good Morning and Happy Sunday! I love the randomness of our Northern Colorado spring weather. Yesterday there was a dusting of snow on the ground and in the trees along with a foggy sunrise. I'm sure many of you are saying "It's April!" yet I have seen snow here much later. At least it is bringing much needed moisture to the area. What did we do this week? More randomness as it was testing week at Fossil. Serra took the SAT on Wednesday and had Thursday off. She and Amanda celebrated by going to her favorite restaurant in Old Town and raiding the candy shop. Next week is a lot of band with two festivals to play at. Tuesday is...
Good Morning and Happy Sunday! The sun is shining brightly outside today on the new growth of rich, green grass. Do you know why it is so green? Snow. Yes, Mother Nature gave us moisture again in the form of snow this week. The weather went for a roller coaster ride giving us the usual forty degrees of variation and extremes in precipitation. In other words, it is a lovely, typical spring in Northern Colorado. The burning question for all of us: Was Tuesday's storm the last of it or will there be one more hurrah? What did we do this week? Serra's stomach decided to follow the weather on its roller coaster ride as she was down for a...