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Does anybody really know what time it is?

Good Morning and Happy Sunday! We made it folks! We are now back to the light and springing forward with the clocks. Granted, my body still thinks it is an hour earlier than the clocks say but I'll get there. Probably didn't help myself but staying up an extra hour reading my new book either. Girls on the other hand, don't fight the clock as I do and are still asleep!  What did we do this week? Serra, bless her heart, was actually dealing with a case of the flu instead of what we thought were migraines. Tough kid braved it out for three days to handle a math test, a French test and party, and playing in the concert...

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The feels

Good Morning and Happy Sunday! The sun is high in the sky and the day looks bright outside. Of course, I'm cold, but that is March in Colorado. Wondering if we will have snow for spring break in a couple of weeks. What have we been up to this week? Serra had a busy start with jazz and extra concert rehearsals. The week unraveled Thursday when she woke up with a vicious migraine. It's been a while since she's had one, so I thought they were under control. Hopefully this one, that lasted for two days, was a random occurrence. Friday evening, she was back to her usual self. We also learned on Friday that she has to hold her...

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A wild and random week

Good Morning and Happy Sunday! Let's try this again. It's always fun when you think the laptop is plugged in and then find out it's not when it dies on you! The sun is out early today, turning the sky from a dull gray to our happy Colorado blue. We had a wild weather week with a snow day and a ninety-degree temperature swing. Not as much snow as predicted but I still enjoyed the relaxed routine. What did we do this week? Monday was a holiday from both school and work which made it a great day to go out to lunch. Serra spent Tuesday at home not feeling well and did a fair bit of sleeping. Wednesday was...

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Slowing down

Good Morning and Happy Sunday! I am moving a little slower today as I rested longer than usual, watching the skies change from a soft lavender pink to our bright Colorado blue. It is good to see a color other than gre  even with the storm expected on Wednesday. What have we been up to this week? As usual, Serra had a full week with jazz and concert band rehearsals. We got in a bit more driving, only three more dark hours to go before she can take her now scheduled driver's test. More of her favorite noodles arrived, and she scored 100% on her AP Psychology neurobiology unit. Her confidence just keeps growing. Amanda is taking care of the...

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Good Morning and Happy Sunday! It is grey and chilly in my little corner of the Fort today. I can see a bit of sunshine peeking over one of the buildings to the east outside of my window. Hopefully it will make for a brighter day.  What did we do this week? It was a bumpy start for Serra with getting rid of that head cold she caught the previous Friday. She stayed home a couple of extra days to clear the cough out and catch up on homework. The extra time also gave her some practice for her French presentation that she nailed on Friday. Only a few more night driving hours to complete before she can go in...

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