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An expected and not expected week

Good Morning and Happy Sunday! So far quiet and peaceful in my little corner of the Fort. The sky is blue and the sun is shining. Yesterday I was able to turn off the heat and open the doors to let some fresh air in. Spring is elusive here and this time of year you never know what you are going to get so I say enjoy it. Especially considering the forecast is saying rain and snow next weekend. How was the week that was? Expected if you can said that during the year of uncertainty that this one has been. As expected quarantine is in effect on campus for Amanda. Thankfully it's only a building quarantine so she is...

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New ideas

Good Morning and Happy Sunday! Colorado is showing both sides of her personality outside with the sun shining but the air being cold enough to show your breath. If it were just a little warmer I would consider sitting out on the patio to listen to the stillness. One of the things I love about getting up early is the quiet potential you can feel in the silence. How is life and what did we do last week? Amanda came through her first exams with flying colors. Either this semester's classes are easier or she's finding her stride with being in the center of campus rather than on the outskirts. Serra is having a great time with band and is...

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Back to basics

Good Morning and Happy Sunday! Sun is shining bright and happy outside my window. As per usual in the Fort the snow is here today and gone tomorrow. I will happily take two days of snow and cold when the trade off is five that are bright and sunny. Stomped around in it a bit this week and was surprised at how good it felt to get outdoors. What else were we up to last week? Amanda completed her first round of tests for the semester and things are looking good. She also completed the first round of interviews to become a calculus mentor for next semester. Yes she fully admits to being a total math nerd especially considering she's...

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What day is it?

Good Morning and Happy Sunday! Brrrr is the word of the day in my little corner of the Fort. Snow for Valentine's is no surprise as it happens often but -8* this morning is another story.  What did we do this last week? If the dog days of summer arrive in August than the dog days of winter arrive in February. After the excitement of Christmas, getting Amanda back to school and Serra's birthday things get pretty quiet. Routine has also changed so much over the past year that sometimes it takes a bit to remember what day it is as well!  I'm very ready for the current craft project to be finished. A lot more time went into it...

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Circling back

Good Morning and Happy Sunday! The sun is bright and shiny outside my window so far today but the cars are frosted up so I'm not going out to check the temperature. Forecast is calling for a bit of snow later in the week which would be a welcome change. We need the moisture as always and I wouldn't mind the cozy feeling that it creates. There's so much to say about this past week that I almost made notes last night! Serra had a big week with turning 15 and getting her braces off. Sushi dinner to celebrate was much easier to eat without having to pick rice and we've learned that about 2 1/2 rolls each is just...

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