Good Morning and Happy Sunday! I'm a bit slow to greet the morning today with the wet and grey outside my window. Or it could be from staying up late last night with baseball and the marching band championships. It's probably that I needed some extra rest and a bed with fresh sheets is extra comfy. What did we do this week? This was one of those weird ones. The week felt both long and short. Time flew by but Monday felt like it was ages ago. I guess that's what happens when it is quiet. Serra's big event was getting her hair done. She experimented with color over the summer and fall going from blue to purple and rainbow...
Good Morning and Happy Sunday! So far in my little corner of the Fort it is.....dark. Yes I am up before the sun today. A normal occurrence during the week, not so much on the weekends. Sleep and I have not been the greatest of bedfellows of late so it was just easier to get up. What did we do this week? I let Serra have a extra day off this past Monday with it being a slow start to the new quarter. Thankfully for her the week was quiet and her biggest task was baking a chocolate prune cake that tastes far too good. Our excitement for the week was indulging in the theater and seeing Dune Thursday night....
Good Morning and Happy Sunday! I am catching up on a few of my Saturday chores that didn't get done along with enjoying the sunshine. Weather here in a my little corner is having a hard time deciding what season to be! Hail on Tuesday, crazy cold nights Thursday and Friday and bright sunshine with the heat off and door open for Saturday. Just the usual Colorado weather. What did we do this week? For Serra it was a busy one. Her first concert was Wednesday and went great. It was the first time back in the PAC since March of 2020. Then it was Amanda and her cohorts on the stage. I don't know as many of the kids...
Good Morning and Happy Sunday! Fall is settling in nicely to my little corner of the Fort with the change in colors and cooler temperatures. It makes sleeping in much easier, even if Amanda doesn't think staying in bed until 7 am is late enough! I guess that's what happens when you're up at 5 during the week. What were we up to this week? October is cruising along and tends to feel like one of the fastest months of the year to flow by. Serra had a Chemistry field trip at CSU where they got to tour some of the labs and do an experiment themselves. Yesterday saw her bang out an essay for English in the usual last...
Good Morning and Happy Sunday! The colors are changing here in my little corner of the Fort. The first round of chicken pot pie soup was a success and fall is here with the lower temperatures at night. Summer is trying its best to hold on to the day and I can attest to this with my wonderful sunburn from yesterday's market! Before you ask, I did remember the sunscreen and the bright rays still managed to get through to my pale skin. What trouble did we stir up this week? Fossil Ridge celebrated Homecoming and Serra got to play in her first pep band gig as a high school student. I am extremely grateful to the new directors that...